Amazon’s Advanced Training Centers for Delivery Drivers

Man and woman wearing saftey vests and holding boxed packages

Amazon has established two advanced training centers for its delivery drivers in the United States, with the first located in Colorado and a newly opened facility in Seffner, Florida. These centers, part of the Last Mile Driver Academy, employ virtual reality and specialized simulators to teach recruits critical safety practices. This innovative Seffner location, situated on Taylor Rd., began operations this year.

“I think that any time you can bring fun to a training environment, it’s a win in terms of sentiment and learning retention,” notes Amazon senior manager Daniel Bohnemann.

A highlight of the training program is the Slip, Trip, and Fall Simulator, designed to instruct drivers on maintaining balance on slippery surfaces while handling packages. This involves trainees walking across a slick glass floor while secured with a harness to prevent falls.

“This training has shown to reduce slips, trips, and falls incidents for drivers out on the road by up to 50%,” Bohnemann told FOX 13.

Drivers also receive guidance on the correct use of their vehicle’s handlebars to prevent injuries during frequent exits and entries. “They literally get in and out of their vehicles hundreds of times every day. This gives them the ability to test the difference in your pounds of force,” Bohnemann explained, referring to the facility’s egress training tool.

Additionally, the Last Mile Driver Academy emphasizes efficient package loading and organization within delivery trucks. Virtual reality modules include interactive quizzes on different scenarios, while a “mini-city” setup at the facility allows drivers to practice delivering packages to various types of residences.

“We want to be able to give our drivers the best chance for success to deliver that package in the best and safest manner possible out to the customer,” Bohnemann emphasized.


Source: Fox 13 News