New Jersey Accelerates Towards a Clean Energy Future

Gov. Phil Murphy is ushering in an ambitious green energy overhaul for New Jersey, pushing the state towards 100% clean energy by 2035 and introducing financial incentives to transition heavy-duty vehicles away from fossil fuels. He signed three executive orders on February 15 detailing six sweeping initiatives to get the Garden State ready for a sustainable future.

“These bold targets and carefully crafted initiatives signal our unequivocal commitment to swift and concrete climate action today,” Murphy said. “We’ve turned our vision for a greener tomorrow into a responsible and actionable roadmap to guide us, and it’s through that pragmatic, evidence-based approach that we will ultimately arrive at our destination.”

The goal of  Executive Order No. 315 is to reach 100% clean energy by 2035, 5 years earlier than initially planned. This order also sets the goal of having all electricity sold in NJ come from clean sources within less than 15 years.

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, New Jersey Governor Murphy has announced an allocation of $70 million for low upfront costs on medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles. The Advanced Clean Cars II initiative will phase in zero-emission cars and light trucks over the next 15 years with a goal of having all new car sales comply by 2035.

“We are thrilled to see a roadmap to 100% clean electricity, meaningful commitments to electrify buildings, vans, trucks, and buses and updated coastal rules to protect families and businesses — all as we step up efforts to protect our communities from the impacts of climate change,” said Ed Potosnak, executive director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters.

In January, the state’s Board of Public Utilities unveiled a groundbreaking plan for greening up transportation. With $16.1 million in grants available to help pay for EV chargers on both private fleets and community vehicles, the hope is to create an easier and more affordable transition medium- and heavy-duty vehicle fleets to electric power.  Applications for these grants are open until May 12.

Two additional orders call state utilities to collaborate in achieving ambitious goals for transforming the building sector’s energy use. Per these orders, 400,000 homes and 20,000 commercial properties will integrate zero-carbon cooling and heating systems by 2030.

“This accelerated new goal of 100% clean electricity by 2035 bumps up the timeline for achieving a clean energy transition by 15 years and takes a significant and needed step to meet the urgency of the climate crisis,” said Anjuli Ramos-Busot, director of New Jersey Sierra Club.


Source: ttnews