CVSA Roadcheck Brings Special Focus to ABS and Cargo Securement this May

On Feb. 28, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance announced that this year’s International Roadcheck will take place from May 16-18 and focus on two key areas – anti-lock braking systems and cargo securement. With commercial vehicle safety being of utmost importance to all drivers across North America, CVSA is emphasizing these important aspects in its yearly event.

International Roadcheck is a critical three-day operation where vehicle and driver inspections are conducted across North America. CVSA certified inspectors inspect commercial motor vehicles, haulers and drivers at weigh stations as well as on designated highways to ensure public safety regulations are being maintained.

“Although ABS violations are not out-of-service violations, ABS play a critical role in reducing the risk of collisions by preventing the wheels from locking up or skidding, allowing a driver to maintain control of the vehicle while braking,” CVSA said. “In addition, improper cargo securement poses a serious risk to drivers and other motorists by adversely affecting the vehicle’s maneuverability, or worse, causing unsecured loads to fall, resulting in traffic hazards and vehicle collisions.”

During the International Roadcheck inspectors will conduct their usual roadside inspections of commercial vehicles and drivers. After three days of detailed analyses and research are completed, CVSA plans to release a summary report outlining what they learned about commercial motor vehicle and driver safety this year.

In addition to data collected, the CVSA says it sees the International Roadcheck as a learning opportunity. The event is a way to educate the motor carrier industry as well as the general public about safe motor vehicle operations and the North American Standard Inspection Program.

During a routine North American Standard Level I Inspection, inspectors focus on two areas — driver and vehicle safety compliance.

Vehicle safety inspectors will ensure the vehicle’s brake systems, cargo securement, coupling devices, driveline/driveshaft components, driver’s seat, fuel and exhaust systems, frames, lighting devices, steering mechanisms, suspensions, tires, wheels, rims, hubs and windshield wipers are compliant with regulations.

Inspections of motorcoaches, passenger vans and other passenger-carrying vehicles also include emergency exits, seating, and electrical cables and systems in the engine and battery compartments.

To ensure driver safety inspectors will check the driver’s operating credentials, hours-of-service documentation, status in the Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse, seat belt usage, and for alcohol and/or drug impairment.

Heavy-duty vehicles that pass both Level I and level V safety inspections without any critical violations may receive a CVSA decal, valid for up to three months. However, any identified North American Standard Out-of-Service Criteria conditions identified in an inspection must be rectified before the vehicle is allowed back on the roads.

Inspectors also have the power to suspend a driver’s operating privileges in cases of driver-out-of-service violations, such as lacking required licensing or exhibiting potential signs of impairment.

CVSA’s International Roadcheck sees law enforcement cooperation between cities, states, districts and provinces in Canada, Mexico and the U.S., thanks to support from trucking associations, transportation safety organizations such as FMCSA and government agencies Transport Canada & MICT. Together they create a united front for improved highway safety across North America.


Source: ttnews