Why Diversity is Crucial to Trucking and How we can Achieve it

While trucking is a vital industry, essential to the U.S. economy, it is also one that has traditionally lacked diversity in its workforce. In recent years, however, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the trucking industry and efforts are being made to achieve it.

Why is it important?

Diversity in trucking is crucial because it brings fresh perspectives and ideas to the industry. It fosters innovation and creativity, ultimately driving business success. Having a diverse workforce also enhances the industry’s reputation, reflecting the communities that it serves. Spoiler alert, this industry serves everyone, so shouldn’t the workforce reflect that? The more diverse the workforce is, the better prepared it can be to meet the needs of customers from different backgrounds and cultures.

Achieving diversity in the industry is also important for providing opportunities for underrepresented groups. For example, women have historically been underrepresented in the trucking industry. The last few years have seen a massive increase in women drivers, but this demographic still only represents about 17% of the workforce according to Women In Trucking, up from just 6% only a few years ago.  As more women enter the industry, they break down gender barriers and inspire other women to consider a career in trucking. Similarly, the industry can provide opportunities for minority groups that may have faced discrimination or bias in other industries.

What are the challenges?

Despite the growing recognition of the importance of diversity in the trucking industry, several challenges remain. One of the significant challenges is changing the perception that the industry is male-dominated and physically demanding, making it unsuitable for women. This perception can discourage women from entering the industry or make them feel unwelcome. Trucking companies need to take steps to make the industry more appealing to women by providing safe and welcoming workplaces.

Another challenge is addressing the shortage of truck drivers. The industry is currently short about 78,000 drivers, increasing the need to branch out into more diverse talent pools. To attract and retain more diverse drivers, trucking companies need to offer competitive pay and benefits, provide training and education opportunities, and create inclusive workplaces that welcome and support all employees.

The trucking industry also needs to address issues of discrimination and bias that may exist within the industry. For example, minority drivers may face discrimination from customers or other drivers on the road. Trucking companies need to create policies and training programs to address these issues and ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect.

Strategies for a more diverse workforce

Partnerships with community organizations: Trucking companies can partner with community organizations that focus on minority recruitment to reach a more diverse pool of candidates. These organizations can help companies create targeted recruitment strategies and provide support and resources to underrepresented groups.

Outreach to underrepresented groups: Trucking companies can actively recruit from underrepresented groups by attending job fairs, reaching out to community groups, and using targeted advertising to reach a diverse pool of candidates.

Inclusive workplace practices: Trucking companies can create inclusive workplaces by implementing policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. This can include providing training on diversity and inclusion, creating affinity groups for underrepresented employees, and addressing any discrimination or bias within the workplace.

Competitive pay and benefits: Trucking companies can offer competitive pay and benefits to attract and retain diverse talent. This includes offering benefits that support diverse family structures, such as paid parental leave, and providing opportunities for career advancement.

Training and education opportunities: Trucking companies can provide training and education opportunities to help underrepresented groups enter and advance within the industry. This can include partnerships with community colleges and vocational schools, on-the-job training programs, and mentoring and coaching programs.

Achieving diversity in trucking is a crucial step in ensuring the growth and sustainability of the trucking industry as a whole. Women, people of color, and other minority identities need to be represented in order to benefit from their different perspectives and experiences. Different voices bring valuable insight and creativity to the industry.

To make sure this progress keeps moving forward, we need to work together with businesses and organizations that promote inclusion, commit resources to development initiatives centered around equality, and continue our conversation about diversity in the workplace. It’s only when we make well-rounded efforts that we’ll be able to reap the rewards of what an inclusive community in trucking looks like; stronger fleets, passionate employees, happy customers – and a sense of belonging for us all.

Everyone has a role to play in ensuring diversity becomes a reality and as we move forward together, let’s commit ourselves to achieving that goal.