Idaho Drivers: Get Ready for the Convenience of Online CDL Renewal

The state’s Transportation Department recently announced plans to expand to its online renewal process, which will now include Commercial Driver’s Licenses. According to the agency, eligible CDL holders can look forward to fast and easy license renewals online from the convenience of their home – all while reducing traffic at local DMV offices.

“Now all licensed Idahoans can skip the trip to the DMV,” Idaho DMV administrator Lisa McClellan said in a statement. “Online license renewals are quick and easy, so it just makes sense to extend that convenience to Idaho’s commercial drivers. This is another example of ITD enhancing the quality of life through transportation and supporting mobility and economic opportunity for Idahoans!”

Governor Brad Little recently signed HB 9 into law, part of a larger initiative that seeks to reduce bureaucratic red tape. This change will make the process for license renewals easier and more efficient, providing needed relief from burdensome processes within state agencies.

The legislation allows for better collaboration between the State Tax Commission and ITD, making residency information sharing more efficient.

Craig Roberts, manager of DMV Commercial Vehicle Services expressed his enthusiasm regarding this measure, saying he believes the change will be welcomed by the trucking industry.

“Folks who work in trucking know time is money,” he said, “so any time we can save in the license renewal process is valuable to commercial drivers.”.

On July 1, the state will open up online CDL renewals to drivers. Laws set out in HB9 dictate that certain qualification criteria must be met before access is granted – an agreement being deliberated by policymakers. In a recent statement, Roberts explained that these criterions are still under negotiation.

Idahoans will soon have the chance to weigh in on potential changes to eligibility criteria for driver’s licenses, with an upcoming public comment period. According to Roberts, all interested parties should stay tuned and check the Department of Motor Vehicles website for further developments.

He added that, while there is no current timeline for when those criteria will be set, they will obviously need to be agreed upon prior to the new rule taking effect in July.


Source: Land Line