We know this is the time we all have been waiting for. Driver discounts and rewards, free meals and coffee at truck stops, different driver appreciation events and so much more across the country! Different carriers and companies are doing so much to show appreciation to their truck drivers, and we wanted to offer ideas on how individuals can show their own appreciation for truck drivers.
Here are some things you can do as an individual to thank another trucker this week!
- Wish them safe travels
- Help a driver back in if having a hard time
- Don’t let another trucker eat alone at a truck stop
- While on the road, give other drivers as much space as possible to make them feel comfortable
- A simple thumbs up or wave as you pass another rig/driver
- Letting other rigs pass you, especially on highways and merge lanes
- Teaching my kids to respect truck drivers as much as any other driver
Do not be scared to think outside of the box! You do not have to know a trucker personally or be one to show them appreciation and gratitude. With driver shortages, crazy rates, and all the different operational hardships within trucking, truckers would appreciate some extra love this year.