Jitsu Brings Last Mile Delivery Services to Detroit Metro Area

warehouse sortation center

Jitsu, known for enhancing brands’ delivery services to exceed customer expectations, is extending its last-mile delivery operations to the Detroit Metro area and its suburbs. This strategic move marks Jitsu’s presence in 23 major metro areas across the United States.

With the establishment of a new sortation center in Highland Park, Michigan, Jitsu is set to elevate delivery services via a full-scale network of delivery service partners (DSPs) and gig drivers.

Detroit, now flourishing with over 633,000 residents, has seen notable growth over the past two years. The U.S. Census Bureau reports that the city gained approximately 2,000 new residents between 2022 and 2023, boosting its rank from the 29th to the 26th largest city in the U.S.

Raj Ramanan, CEO of Jitsu, emphasized, “Our expansion into Detroit responds directly to the feedback from the brands we serve. They’ve expressed a need for improved last-mile delivery capabilities in the Detroit Metro area. This move is crucial for our growth in the Midwest and showcases our commitment to meeting our customers’ needs.”

The new sortation center will be based in Means Logistics Park on Hamilton Avenue, just five miles from downtown Detroit. Ashley Capital recently redeveloped this industrial facility, adding to the community-driven redevelopment efforts in Detroit.

Jitsu’s growth has been remarkable this year, significantly enhancing doorstep delivery experiences for top brands.

In collaboration with Coresight Research, Jitsu conducted a survey among consumers and senior retail executives. The insights revealed that offering two-day or faster delivery options boosted conversion rates by 10.5% and increased repeat purchases by 8.9%. These findings highlight Jitsu’s role in helping brands refine their shipping strategies, ultimately improving brand reputation, customer loyalty, and revenue growth.


Source: AJOT