Missing girl found after truck driver spots her at gas station

An amber alert was issued on Monday, by Pennsylvania State Police for 5-year-old Inaz Foulk. Thanks to a truck driver who was passing through Pennsylvania, Inaz is has been found. The little girl who was allegedly abducted by her biological mother. The girl was with her grandmother and she had went inside to grab a few things, and within that time the mother had taken the girl and car. Inaz, who was later interviewed says, “that their were on their way to Florida, and that they were gonna live there from now on”.


The truck driver had noticed the Amber Alert during his drive. He recognized the vehicle and the girl at a gas station in Virginia and the police were notified and arrived shortly after. The mother was taken into custody. When officials searched the vehicle, she had abducted her daughter in, it seemed as if she was not prepared for a life ahead. No clothes, money, food or anything in sight that would aid them in sustaining a life. Authorities believe that she had ran out of money and resources to further continue her journey, according to her daughter, to Florida.


The mother is being held in Pennsylvania until she faces her charges and the child has since been in  the custody of Social Services in Virginia as she waits to be reunited with her grandmother.


Children and girls of all ages are being abducted all over the country right under our noses and if you see something, please say something.