Motor Carriers Invited to Participate in ATRI’s Study on Motor Carrier Operational Costs

ATRI is inviting motor carriers to participate in the 15th edition of its annual Operational Costs of Trucking report. This well-established survey collects confidential data from fleets and independent operators, providing insights into how different sectors, sizes and regions are performing across America’s trucking industry.

The cost information provided by carriers and owner-operators across the nation will improve their understanding of trucking fleets’ metrics. Information requested will include driver pay, fuel costs, insurance premiums, and equipment purchase or lease payments. In response to industry request, this year’s report will also include efficiency indicators such as miles between breakdowns. Carriers are invited to submit data through an easy online form or by email by Friday, April 28.

Participating motor carriers have the opportunity to access a specialized report, enabling them to compare their fleet’s performance and costs against similar-sized companies in the transport sector along with an early edition of the complete analysis.

“ATRI’s Ops Costs report is indispensable for benchmarking our operations; it confirms what we are doing well and notes where we can achieve additional cost savings,” said James Burg, James Burg Trucking Company president and CEO, in a statement. “And the customized peer-group assessment is invaluable to our benchmarking activities.”

For-hire motor carriers are encouraged to participate and should note the limited window to do so. Submissions must be made by April 28 via ATRI’s data collection form available online here. All confidential information is protected, and it is published only in anonymized, aggregate form.


Source: trucking info