New Survey Reveals How Often Truckers Prefer to be Home

According to the results of a recent survey by Trucker Path, more than one-third of professional truckers are most content when they can make it home several times per month.

When asked, “How often do you prefer to be home?” the survey found:

36% said “several times a month”
25% selected the “several times a week” option
24% chose “every night”
15% said they want to be “always on the road”

The survey also revealed that, for the most part, drivers generally achieved their desired outcomes.

The results showed:

89% of drivers who said they wanted to be home several times a month actually are
80% of drivers who prefer to always be on the road actually are
74% of drivers who wanted to be home several times a week actually are
63% of drivers who wanted to be home every night actually are


Source: truckersnews