Stress-Free Weigh Station Inspections for Truckers

As a truck driver, you’ve likely encountered weigh stations during your travels. Whether you are passing through or being flagged in, they can bring on the stress of ensuring your truck is in good repair and ready for inspection. To help ease the tension, here are some tips to pass a weigh-station inspection like a pro.

Pay Close Attention to Weight Limits

The next step is making sure that your vehicle and its cargo are within the legal weight limits. Pay attention to signs as you approach the scales; many states have specific weight limits for individual axles or combinations of axles. Knowing the exact weights ahead of time can save you from being put out-of-service due to overweight violations. This way, you can make adjustments before reaching the scales if necessary.

Know Your Load and Check Tire Pressure 

It’s important to make sure that all of your tires are properly inflated, as low tire pressure readings can trigger warnings regarding axle overloads even when no violations exist. The best way to ensure that your truck passes a weigh station inspection is to know your load ahead of time. Make sure that all of your loads are secure and properly distributed. An unevenly balanced load can cause your vehicle to sway or drift, which is not only unsafe but can also result in an overweight violation. You should also double-check that all items are properly documented, including cargo manifests, bills of lading, and the like. This will help prevent delays when entering a weigh station or crossing state lines.

Check Your Lights and Brakes Beforehand

Prior to entering a weigh station, be sure that all lights on your truck and trailer are functioning properly and that all brakes work correctly. Even small issues like burned out bulbs or faulty brake lights can result in an inspection failure at the scales. If possible, it is also helpful to check other parts like wipers and mirrors prior to arriving at the inspection site—the more prepared you are, the better.

Keep Your Documentation in Order

Make sure that all of your documentation is up-to-date and easily accessible. This includes driver’s licenses, registration cards, medical certificates, insurance policies, and any other required documents. Having everything readily available will help streamline the inspection process so you can get back on the road as quickly as possible.

Be Respectful and Follow Directions

When approached by an officer at a weigh station, always remember to be respectful and follow directions carefully. If asked for paperwork such as registration documents or logbooks, make sure they are up-to-date and legible. This will show that you take care of your vehicle and provide confidence that everything else about your truck is also in order. Being polite goes a long way with inspectors!

Weigh station inspections don’t have to be stressful if you’re prepared for them! By double checking all of your documents ahead of time, paying attention to weight limits during transit, and staying polite and friendly during inspections themselves—you’ll be able to pass through with ease each time.