The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) has named truck driver Joshua Harris, from Cardington, Ohio, a Highway Angel for rushing to the aid of a fellow trucker having a stroke while driving. Harris drives for Scotts Miracle-Gro out of Marysville, Ohio.
On December 15 at around 4 p.m. Joshua Harris was heading to the Columbus Zoo for a day with his family when he received an urgent phone call from his colleague, Dusty. It would seem his coworker was having some sort of medical emergency while he was driving his truck and asked Harris to come to his aid immediately.
Without hesitation, Harris was on his way, driving about 30 minutes to Mount Vernon, Ohio.
“He was on the road with his tractor trailer,” Harris said. “I didn’t know what to expect when I got there.”
When Harris arrived, he found Dusty standing on the side of the road vomiting in the cold, rainy weather.
“He couldn’t get back in the truck,” Harris said. “At the time I didn’t know it was a stroke.”
According to Harris, an Ohio State Trooper had been called and arrived on the scene just before he did. Harris stayed with Dusty until an ambulance arrived, and then safely parked Dusty’s truck and pocketed the keys before following the ambulance to the hospital, where he stayed to wait for an update from the ER staff.
“I wanted to know what was going on — I care about the guy,” Harris said. “Thankfully it turned out well.”
Doctors determined the trucker had suffered a stroke, but he was released from the hospital the next day.
Source: Highway Angel