Trucking industry calls on Congress to settle rail labor dispute

Washington D.C. – The American Trucking Associations sent a letter to Congressional leaders expressing that trucks would not be able to replace rail service in the event of a strike, lockout or some other type of pause in the industry, especially with the shortage we are already experiencing in trucking.

“While trucking and rail companies compete for ground freight,” writes ATA CEO Chris Spear, “trucking is also the largest customer of the rail industry, and both industries rely on one another to keep our supply chains healthy and efficient. We deliver the last mile of virtually every product that rail transports. Any rail service disruption will create havoc in the supply chain and fuel inflationary pressures across the board.” They predict that if this happens the country can lose billions of dollars daily.

Spear is worried about a shutdown at any time. Although he believes that any shut down is not going to be good for the country, one closer to the holidays will be arguably worse. The ATA letter urges Congress to be ready to implement the recommendations made by the Presidential Emergency Board last month. While Spear’s organization sympathizes with both sides and believes that “it is always best for parties to resolve a contract dispute mutually… given the approaching end of the cooling-off period, it is critical that Congress be ready to act.” We look forward to hearing the decisions made